Altro approfondimento sul personaggio di Titania, in questo caso riguarda il trucco. Ella presenta gli occhi truccati con colori scuri e diversi tatuaggi spiraliformi che richiamano elementi naturali. Durante il corso di "Trucco e Maschera Teatrale" ho sperimentato altre tecniche di trucco tramite l'applicazione di materiali sul viso, ispirandomi alla truccatrice britannica Pat McGrath. In questo caso ho ripreso i disegni sul volto, ricostruendoli con delle applicazioni in tessuto e sfumando con matita e ombretti vari.


Another detailed study about Titania, this time it is about her make up. She has her eyes painted in dark colours and she has various spiral tattoos that recall natural elements on her face. During the "Make-Up and Theatrical Mask" course I experimented with other make-up techniques through the application of materials on the face, I was inspired by the British make-up artist Pat McGrath. In this case I redraw the spiral tattoos, reconstructing them with fabric and blending them with a pencil and various eye shadows.


Un autre aperçu du personnage de Titania, dans ce cas, concerne le maquillage. Elle présente des yeux peints de couleurs sombres et divers tatouages en spiral qui rappellent des éléments naturels. Pendant le course "Maquillage et Masque du Théâtre", j'ai expérimenté d'autres techniques de maquillage à travers l'application de matériaux sur le visage, j'ai été inspiré par la maquilleuse britannique Pat McGrath. Dans ce cas j'ai pris les dessins sur le visage, reconstruisant avec des application de tissu et les mélangeant avec un crayon et divers ombres à paupières.